
Works Cited

Boym, Svetlana. The Future of Nostalgia. New York: Basic, 2001. Print.

Belk, Richard W. “Been There, Done That, Bought the Souvenirs: Of Journeys and Boundary Crossing.” Consumer Research: Postcards from the Edge. Ed. Stephen Brown and Darlach Turley. London: Routeledge, 1997. 22-45. Print.

Brown, Stephen, and Darlach Turley. “Traveling in Trope: Postcards from the Edge of Consumer Research.” Consumer Research: Postcards from the Edge. Ed. Stephen Brown and Darlach Turley. London: Routeledge, 1997. 1-21. Print.

Bunn, Stephanie. “Stealing Souls for Souvenirs: Or Why Tourists Want ‘the Real Thing’.” Souvenirs: The Material Culture of Tourism. Ed. Michael Hitchcock and Ken Teague. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2000. 166-193. Print.

Chereiskaia, Mariia Grigor’evna. Russian Souvenirs. Leningrad: Aurora Art, 1978. Print.

Delaine, Linda. “Matryoshka – Soul of Russia.” Russian Life. 17 Oct. 2006. Web.

Graburn, Nelson H. “Foreward.” Souvenirs: The Material Culture of Tourism. Ed. Michael Hitchcock and Ken Teague. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2000. xiii-xvii. Print.

Hitchcock, Michael. “Introduction.” Souvenirs: The Material Culture of Tourism. Ed. Michael Hitchcock and Ken Teague. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2000. 1-17. Print.

“Khokhloma Spoons.” Photograph. 2012. “From Russia with Love.” Finding Frenchie. Web. 8 February 2014.

“Les Leaders Russes en Matriochka.” Photograph. 2006. Wikimedia Commons. Web. 8 February 2014.

Scott99. “Spas-na-Krovi, Souvenir Market, Saint Petersburg, Russia / Санкт Петербург, Россия.” Photograph. 2013. Panoramio. Web. 8 February 14.

Reuters. “Painted Matryoshka Dolls.” Photograph. 2013. “Pakistan Overturns Jail Term of bin Laden Doctor.” Times of Malta. Web. 8 February 2014.