- The Spirit of the banya (Gabriella Carney)
- The Infallible Man: Lenin Worship in Modern Russia (Zachary Harris)
- Who is Forgotten? Memory of the Siege of Leningrad (Helena Klavin)
- The Stray Dog Cafe (Rebecca McHale)
- AgustÃn de Betancourt: From Immigrant to Icon (Eleanor Morrison)
- Deus Conservat Omnia: Anna Akhmatova’s Poem Without a Hero and the Preservation of Pre-Revolutionary Petersburg (Bailey Orr)
- The Chapel of St. Xenia (Maggie Swift)
- The Udelnaya Flea Market: Where Pieces of Memories are Kept (Elaine Xing)
- The Most Fabulous Find in St. Petersburg (Sophia Yates)
- From Bronnitskaya Street to Pushkinskaya-10: Nonconformist culture and Apartment exhibitions in Leningrad and St.Petersburg (Shuhui Zhou)